TAG : Would You Rather : Beauty Edition

Saturday, July 30, 2011
1.Would you rather go out with messy hair and nice make-up or Nice hair and no make-up? 
I already have a messy hair and nice make up. haha

2.Would you rather shave your eyebrows or have your eyelashes fall out?
Well, I would rather have my eyebrows shaved coz I can shape it with eyebrow pencil.

3.Would you rather be forced to shop at only MAC or Sephora for the rest of your life?
Sephora.. so many options!!!
4.Would you rather wear lipgloss/lipliner look or 80's perm?

5.Would you rather leave the house with an obvious foundation line or overdone blush? 
Overdone blush. I can blend it even if Im not using a mirror.

6.Would you rather wear MC Hammer pants or biker shorts in public?
Biker shorts.

7.Would you rather have a bad orangey spray tan or really weird tan lines that can't be covered?
Weird tan lines. haha. I dont want to look like an orange fruit.

8.Would you rather have a bad haircut or bad hair color?
Bad hair color!
9.Would you rather have youtube or twitter taken away forever?

10. Would you rather give up using makeup brushes or mascara?
Make up brushes. Cant live without mascara! ;b

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